Your gift to the Renewal Foundation U.S.A. helps to strengthen and expand our effort to effect change in impoverished areas of the world. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.
Please mail donations to:
220-40 Kingsbury Ave
Bayside, NY 11364
Attn: Mr. Jackson Ma
Tel: 917.981.1229
Fax: 718.886.8848
Contact email: Mr. Jackson Ma,
1249 S Diamond Bar Boulevard, #359
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Att: Mr. Larry Liu
Tel: 909.576.8512
Fax: 425.871.0976
Contact email: Mr. Larry Liu,
Please make your check out directly to Renewal Foundation, Inc. and specify whether you would like your generous contribution to go towards funding a Compassion school, providing scholarships for the Pearl Program, or any other specific NFUSA program.
Compassion Schools
With a $10,000-30,000 USD donation, your gift can build a new “Compassion” school in a rural, impoverished location (determined by donor) in China. Through a current ongoing project managed by China’s Hope Foundation, the local government will match an outside sponsor’s donation, and with the combined funding, the construction of a school can be built in approximately 6 months. Over 150 “Compassion” schools have been opened throughout China offering the gift of education to thousands of deserving students.